Kedar Kulkarni
3 min readOct 14, 2018


The Need Assessment : Declaring Global Developmental Disaster & Alien/Messiah/God. #SundayFunday

There was a recent story about global disaster scenario published in news media which made sense yet the global pundits who suppose to be guiding the development remained oddly very quiet about it on the other hand I went on to internet & made some noise on social media… why??? I say Karma… i.e. I didn’t wanted to be the one among those who just sit and do nothing when faced with a disaster also being a Disaster Management student a story / news like that immediately triggers my analytical brain to find a solution. So the story was 1% of the population of planet earth enjoying 82% of global wealth. For me that is a Global Developmental Disaster and The humanity has failed itself. I called it The Age Of Kings i.e. the global governance mechanism failure. I may be wrong but until some pundit comes with publication of why this is not a Age Of Kings and There is no Developmental Global Disaster I plan to call it what my limited intellect points towards i.e. It’s an unmitigated global disaster.

Now let me explain why it made sense is because I could put poverty against any social, political, environmental & of course developmental challenges we currently facing & poverty is significantly associated with all of them for which there are plenty of studies literature available globally by those pundits who suppose to be guiding the development. So this whatever I am writing is my first attempt to do something about it. As I learned from my gurus during my studies first step is the need assessment. So here I go (kindly bear with me)…

Hence, I am here to make some noise about Need to declare The Global Developmental Disaster and to see if it resonates with readers & especially with the pundits those are quite about this. So let me start with disaster i.e. an event which is beyond the capacity of a region (geographical area) to manage it hence requires help from outside i.e. in above scenario our planet where 1% has became so greedy that they have decided to accumulate 82% of global wealth and let the other 99% suffer and in many cases die with hunger. For me this is not normal & if any pundit dares to explain me this is a normal situation then that is not a pundit but a greedy scum of a human being at least for me.

Since, disaster requires help from outside & I am talking about region that is this planet so obviously the quiet pundits must be waiting for the help which needs to be arranged from outside this planet. Since I do not know any alien to come help our planet to avert this developmental disaster; hence I have decided to volunteer to be an Alien/Messiah/God in Human form who do not wish to be part of disaster profiteering/neglecting/creating humans (1%) or disaster suffering humans (99%) but wishes to avert this disaster. Lucky for me the planet has concept of Alien Messiah & God which I can rely on.

So I am the Kalki, the Messiah, the Alien (which humans are waiting for) who is going to act as outsider in order to find the solution (i.e. since I am not really all of those hence I have to “find” solution). For those fellow humans who wishes to judge me & my position than to help me find solution for the Global Developmental Disaster my answer is simple you are part of the problem and you can kiss my brown A$$!

Hence I would like to conclude this essay with no references (kindly search on your own) just me speaking out what is on my mind to end this with alarming the immediate need to declare global developmental disaster which is necessary global first step to address this problem. Those who think otherwise are welcome to comment bellow looking forward to learn from all of you.



Kedar Kulkarni

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